Neo Rangers: The Spider King
From: The Le Games
Reviewed by: Ron McClung
Neo Rangers: The Spider Kingis a new d20 Class Supplement from The Le Games.
D20 hit this industry by storm. Like many new things in this industry, however, it has seen its peak and now is just a part of it like dice and Magic cards. I do not feel that anything can kill it other than a very bad move by Wizards of the Coast and so until that bad move is made, things like this will continue to be released. Some d20 supplements made in the PDF industry are brilliantly made and should be put into print while others are simply crap. Other things fall in between and are just one of those things that are cool but not sure I would pay for it.
From page #2: “The world is wild, as is my soul.”
Neo Rangers: The Spider Kingis a full 20-level ranger class that follows the teachings of the spider and specializes in Arachnid Style combat. This creates a more defensive ranger that waits for the right moment to strike.
Although a ranger, there are subtle differences in this class. The ability progression is somewhat similar except several abilities are replaced by new ones, including Sixth Sense, Arachnid Style Combat, Arachnid Strike (which causes Constitution damage), Arachnid Pummel and Arachnid Climb. The Base Attack Bonus and Save progression have not changed. The writer balanced out the gaining of a few extra class abilities by reducing the spell progression, which seems to work on paper. In play it could be a whole other thing. He also adds a small balancing factor in that it is limited to non-lawful alignments. The skill points, hit points and class skills have not changed from the base ranger. The Spider King is less magic based, getting less spells than the basic ranger. The spell list that a Spider King can choose from is supplied as well. There are few spells to choose from.
All you need to know about the Spider King is provided including the spell list, a reprint of the feats and spells the class gains (Endurance feat, Spider Climb spell, and Track feat), and of course, the class progression chart.
The art is so-so, some of it borrowed from the Larry Elmore clipart collection. The layout is good and it is well edited.
In conclusion, although creative, I am not sure I would be driven to use this class. Some of the abilities seem weak, while others seem a little clunky. I am not a big fan of abilities that add extra rolls to the process, especially combat. If you feel this is a class that would fit in your campaign, well, I’d say go for it, but I am sure there are better classes out there.
For more details on The Le Games and their new d20 Class Supplement “Neo Rangers: The Spider King” check them out at their website
Neo Rangers: The Spider King
From:The Le Games
Type of Game:d20 Class Supplement
Author / Layout / Cover Design: The Le
Editing: Wayne Tonjes
Number of Pages:17
Game Components Included: Two PDF files, one RTF file, JPG file of the cover, and the OGL d20 Ranger Class in an RTF file for reference
Game Components NotIncluded:d20 Core Rulebooks
Retail Price:$ 1.50 (US)
Reviewed by: Ron McClung