NR Intel Log 14: Kathol Campaign

Report 10053: Alpha
From: Kathol Sector Central Intel – Kal’Shebbol
Subject: Negotiations with Fing’Dra Transportation (A Chuborro Front Corporation)
Date: DS 155 / NR Date: 43.8.20
Secret negotiations have started with Chuborro’s deputies in the upper “northern” regions of the Sector. It seems that Chuborro himself is not aware of them . Some deputies are apparently not pleased with his recent actions, and turn in policies, and are talking with the NR for deals. They are negotiating several things, including immunity from prosecution if the turn on Chuborro.
The Farstar should be aware that these negotiations wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for contacts made by Loh’Khar the Finder.
Report 10053: Beta
From: Kathol Sector Central Intel – Kal’Shebbol
Subject: Negotiations with Fing’Dra Transportation (A Chuborro Front Corporation)
Date: DS 157 / NR Date: 43.8.22
Negotiations took a bad turn when assassins killed all of the negotiators in a night raid on Kal’Shebbol. The Fing’Dra diplomats were hung from their balconies, ritualistically. Bounty Hunters have been hired to find that assassin. Chuborro, in turn, blamed the NR, calling us murderers and vigilantes.
Some how, someone found out about our negotiations.
Report 10054: Alpha
From: Kathol Sector Central Intel – Timbra Ott
Subject: Free Trader Negotiations
Date: DS 169 / NR Date: 43.8.34
New Republic diplomats have struggled to quell the Free Trader situations. Negotiations have opened up at Timbra Ott, with the more fanatical factions. Maddie Macatten was there to help the NR side. The Skandrei Bandits had been invited, but have yet to respond.
A bounty has been put out by the NR for the Captain and crew of the Lance of Endor of 85,000Cr total for their capture. If capture is not possible, the bounty drops to 65,000Cr for their destruction.
Report 10054: Beta
From: Kathol Sector Central Intel – Timbra Ott
Subject: Free Trader Negotiations
Date: DS 171 / NR Date: 43.9.01
Assassins made an attempt on he negotiators at Timbra Ott but was thwarted by security agents. The assassins got away, and security personnel as well as automated security measures did not get a clear look at who it was. They were humanoid, and there were only 2. Twenty two security guards were killed in the attempt to apprehend.
Report 10055: Alpha
From: Kathol Republic Diplomatic Research Team
Subject: Kathol Republic History
Date: DS 155 / NR Date: 43.8.20
Talks with the Kathol Republic have been shaky at best. The political like bickering children, worse than some of the politics the NR is experiencing. A check in the new found records of this areas confirms that some colonies in the Outback were started by split off factions of the Old Republic, once collectively called the Union. The Union was a ruthless loose-conglomeration of renegades, criminals, political dissidents, and terrorists. They were at times united, other times chaotically disorganized. For a long time, the young Old Republic dealt with Union. Not much of those records are left, and how they were defeated was unclear.
Some Union factions were notorious for the genetic science experimentation, searching for the secret of the Force, and such things. This was one of the many precursors to the Clone Wars.
Report 10056: Alpha
From: Kathol Republic Research Facility, Gandle Ott
Subject: The two Imperials with DS implants
Date: DS 158 / NR Date: 43.8.23
The two captured Imperials were received a few weeks ago, and have undergone extensive tests. The Darkstryder implanted in their bodies is acting like a parasite, sucking away at their life. The Darkstryder has integrated into their system completely and is now in the process of changing their DNA structure. We have used everything short of deadly poisons to stop the transformation. They were turning into something not human. This is when things got strange…
They started talking, mumbling at first, now speaking clearly. The language is unknown to us, and not one protocol droid has been able to decipher it. Their skin is now almost translucent, their muscle tissue gray. Their eyes have turned black and large. For fear of them becoming dangerous, we sedated them, and put them in stasis.
Report 10057: Alpha
From: Kathol Astrogation, Timbra Ott
Subject: Energy Fluctuations in the Rift
Date: DS 159 / NR Date: 43.8.24
Data on the Rift has been sparse. The Old Republic had a few research stations in the early years, but data from them was lost. Recent scans and probes into the area reveal strong, and focused energy fluctuations. These fluctuations sometimes concentrate into focused eruptions, which could be potentially destructive to most capitol ships. Some of the minor fluctuations simply just smolder into storm-like activity and die out. hyperwave scans revealed that these fluctuations even effect hyperspace. Any probe droid sent into the Rift was destroyed.
However, the free traders have said the have seen a ship travel in and out of the Rift, some even saying it’s the ghost ship.
Report 10058: Alpha
From: Kathol Sector Central Intel – Kal’Shebbol
Subject: Chuborro Deputy negotiations
Date: DS 165 / NR Date: 43.8.30
The Deputies resumed negotiations, and part of the deal brokered was a promise that no action would be taken against any of the deputies of Chuborro in the near future. The allied deputies need stability with in Chuborro’s organization to drum up support for a possible overthrow.
If this contradicts with any action taken by the Farstar, the NR command does not want to know about it.
Report: CW-001
From: SSgt D. Wilkes, Field Commader, Operation Chillweaver
Subject: Progress Report
Date: DS 179 / NR Date: 43.9.04
Have established contact with local under ground contacts. We are maintaining covert surveillance over Jag’Nok Orcana and Ugnog Gandris, the two local bosses in Chuborro’s organization.
Local Background info about the two bosses and situation is attached.
Based upon local conditions, we feel it is best to drive a wedge between these two bosses, relying on the paranoia between them to lead to open conflict and structural dissolution.
An abstract of the operational plan is Attached.
All the ground work is in place, and we only require final go-ahead to initiate active operations.
Operation Chillweaver Intel Report 1
Intel on the two regional Deputies (The 2 that operate closest to the Night Terror’s Position):
Jag’Nok Orcana
Species: Houk
Territory: Marcol Rim Region, and the Outer Rim of the Marcol void, Outback side
Activities: Mercenaries and enforcers, arms dealing, assassinations, espionage
Intel Notes
Jag’Nok is an ambitious warrior who revels in his life of crime. He also is somewhat jealous of Chuborro and his power. He worries that if Chuborro gets Darkstryder, he will have too much power. Jag himself secretly seeks DS tech.
He has made deals indirectly with Analia, and in fact, would probably get along with her real well, if he knew she existed. He might meet her personally if she had something he was REALLY interested in.
Included is intel on Jag’s operations, training facilities, who and where he gets his recruits, where his HQ is, and its security measures. He is good, one of the best security experts anyone has seen. He is the one the Night Terrors have the most to worry about and the key figure to fool with the Imperial masquerade.
These are the organizations under his control:
The Hagnar Guild
Location: HQ’d on Hagnar Gor (In the Marcol Rim Region) with agents through out Chuborro’s organization
A mercenary group of enforcers and arms dealers, it is the Syndicate’s primary enforcer and security force.
The Jag’Nar Fleet
Location: HQ’d on Vigno’sh Gor in the Marcol Rim Region
A fleet of pirate ships and raiders that serve Chuborro’s needs. Made up of about 12 cap-ships, all varying sizes, most modified freighters and transports. There is one ship that is his pride and joy, a modified Nebulon B frigate. They are spread out in 2 to 3 ship task forces.
Ugnog Gandris
Species: Whiphid
Territory: The Outback area beyond the Marcol Void rim.
Activities: Smuggling, information brokering, mercenaries, piracy, extortion, Outlaw tech, black marketeering, assassination, and espionage.
Intel Notes
Ug is a conniving bastard, and rivals some of the best Twi’Leks at back-stabbing. Expert truth manipulator, he is one of Chuborro’s most valued information brokers. He also rival’s Jag as a security expert.
The intel on Ug includes limited amount of his operations, which are very secret and guarded. His teams are widespread and very good at what they do. Once Chillweaver starts, the Night Terrors will have to deal with one or more of his Shadow Ring teams.
Jag and Ug play sabacc together quite often on Yog’H’Toth. The have a strong, and honorable relationship but secretly mistrust each other strongly. Both feel the other is unnecessary.
These are the organizations under his control:
The Timbra Shadow Ring
Location: HQ’d Timbra Ott with agents through out the sector
The Timbra Shadow Ring is one of the most secretive organizations in Chuborro’s organization. It is the primary spec ops group, with it’s hands in all Chuborro’s covert operations.
The Outback Riggers
Location: Sapella
A group of Outlaw techs Chuborro uses for his private needs. Only those he knows is allowed to use them. As for the other deputies, you know their names, but that’s about it. The above deputies are the only ones that operate in or near the Outback.
Other Deputies:Antoss Irz Chan
Species: Herglic
Bres Tambrana
Species: Devaronian
Species: Noehon
Other Intel:
Planet: Yog’H’Toth
System: Yog’Hal
Sector: Kathol
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate to Warm
Atmosphere: Type I Breathable
Hydrosphere: Wet (Many violent storms year round)
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Mountains, Grassland, Polar ice caps
Length of Day: 28 Hours
Length of Year: 286 Days
Sapient Species: Mixture of species. Humans are rare.
Major Cities Bred’iar Hogg (Capitol city), Gren Sil (Space port city), Kendri’Il (Chuborro’s palace located near this city)
Starport: Standard Class
Population: 690 Million
Planet Function: Was a mining colony and research facility for the Kathol Republic, abandoned several decades ago. Now a simple colony world of wayward travelers from the Core Region, a Free Trader port. It is the secret HQ of Chuborro the Hutt.
Government: Central Council of all the colony states, overseen by an elected President
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Refined Ore, manufactured goods
Major Imports: Raw Ore, high tech
Star: Yog’Hal
Yog’H’Toth is an unfriendly world. Its atmosphere is very active and turbulent. The Society is one of the most corrupt anyone has seen, thanks to Chuborro’s presence. This is the seedier side of the Free traders. It’s a smuggler’s paradise, by Kathol standards. There are even signs that read “The Millenium Falcon docked here!!”
The world is also hazardous to high tech equipment, due the over-abundance of electrostatic charges in the atmosphere. During the harshest storms, people wear protective suits. Ball lightning is quite common on this world.
The intelligence includes major population centers, Areas that Chuborro seems to concentrate his business on Yog’H’Toth, and the location of his palace. His palace is heavily guarded (you have estimates of those) and heavily armed. It has several planetary-based Turbolaser batteries installed in the mountains around his palace.
You have enough intel that with good rolls and a little luck, you can probably find your way in, and out, given the right circumstances. You know the cities his security covers, and where they are lacks. You know who his security is: The Hagnar Guild mercenaries, and how they are armed.
Intel On Chuborro’s background
Chuborro is one of the oldest Hutts alive. At one time, before Jabba’s death, he was retired. He came out of retirement when Jabba died, and seized power of his interests in the Minos Cluster and the Kathol Sector. For some reason, he wanted this particular portion of Jabba’s fortune and nothing else.
Chuborro is eccentric and boisterous but very reclusive. He is old and paranoid as well. The intel includes some of his known activities, when he meets with his deputies and what ships he likes to use. You don’t have a regular schedule, but you have clues to what he likes to do, and when he likes to leave his palace. You also know he holds occasional galas in his palace
Intel on Chuborro’s Alliance with Sarne
It has been confirmed that Chuborro is allied with Sarne, but it seems it’s a shaky one. He has been keeping the alliance a secret from many of his deputies, only telling them that he has made a deal that will solidify their organization position in the Rim. Some in his organization would frown upon it.
In particular, on that last note, there are strong anti-Imperial sentiments in his own security force, the Hagnar Guild. There already resides a strong rumor of the alliance, but nothing has been confirmed enough to cause unrest. Many of the mercs are former Imperial slaves, or escaped Imperial prisoners.
Further information later comes in of a meeting with someone high up in Chuborro’s organization with someone high up in Sarne’s organization. The when and where is unclear, but there was talk that the Lance of Endor might be involved.
Chuborro has had a passion for owning a piece of Darkstryder recently. Whether this is part of the alliance or not is unknown. Whether he has gotten a sample of DS Tech is unknown. This may be what Sarne promised him Or if Chuborro already had some, this maybe why Sarne made the alliance.
There is also a rumor that Chuborro has made another alliance… “An outside interest…”.
The Skandrei Bandits
The Skandrei Bandits is lead by a Barabel named Vok Gan. He is very temperamental, and dangerous. The Skandrei Bandits have 8 cap-ships, heavily armed and at least 3 squadrons of fighters (hyperspace capable; A-Wing like fighters).
The Skandrei stage small raids across the Outback against local settlements, which explains the need for some many local militia fleets. They pillage the settlements, enslave a few captives, and destroy the rest. Not many know of their history, but it is rumored they are descendants of an anti-(old) Republic factions called the Union.
Sabiador Slave Ring
An informant claiming to be an Imperial loyalist approached Drake. Word of the presence of an Imperial SpecOps team has leaked out into the public already. Drake said that the informant was under the assumption that Drake represented those interests. The informant said he was representing the interests of a small organization that has Imperial sympathies.
This Informant provided information that Sabiador has split into two different factions now and that the faction they are about to be working with is in league with Chuborro. The informant suggested that any strike at Chuborro would have to include this Sabiador-faction as well.
Drake then proceeded to request the assistance of the Sabiador faction that is not loyal to Chuborro, but was refused.
The informant suggested to Drake that there are no real ‘friends’ available to him in that area of space. The only people that might be disposed to helping them are the Skandrei Bandits and the Free Traders…both of whom hate each other. However, the Bandits have absolutely no love for the Empire or the New Republic.
Ghost ship – The Aiing Tii Monks
One interesting extra bit was information on the ghost ship. They are aliens that call themselves the Aiing Tii Monks. There is very little known of these aliens other than they are fanatically xenophobic, do not like being observed or spied on, and hate slavers.
Chillweaver Ops Plan:
Jag & Ugnog play cards regularly.
The general plan is this: Ugnog is to be convinced that Jag’Nok is going to seriously assault him the night of their regular Sabbac game. Evidence will be fabricated suggestinf that Jag’Nok’s fleet is readying for a full deployment. We will also plant the impression that Jag is planning to kill Ug at the game. This should be enough to make any info brokeer mad with paranoia.
Ugnog’s spies around one of Jag’Nok’s major shipyard & resupply facilities will be located. They will be killed or otherwise kept from reporting on the shipyard for a signifigant amount of time. The goal is to make the base an informational black hole from Ugnog’s point of view.
At the same time, research will be done to find a facility that would be able to support the full fleet of Jag’Nok. At the appropriate time, I want this transmitted in a manner that Ugnog’s agents can intercept it.
The fleet will need a place to gather, so a place will be found that can hold the entire fleet, and yet be undetectible by Ugnog.
Evidence will be planted to make it look like Jag is looking for a Whiphid-specific poison.
When the action time comes closer to being, Ug’s defensive forces will be neutralized by either assassinating the leaders, or by giving them false orders, or by isolating them from Ug’s command structure.
At the same time, rumors will be spread to the effect that there is an Imperial strike team working with Chuborro to eliminate some of the weaker, or less productive bosses, and redistribute their influence among the remainder.