RIP Jim “Psycho” McCrystal Sr.

I am devastated by the loss of one of my best friends from high school. He was one of the guys that introduced me into gaming and everything else geek. Jim McCrystal Sr. died in a car wreck a few hours ago. Too soon, my brother.
He was a good man, a man of honor and integrity; a good father to all his kids. He was a man I admired in a strange kind of way. I laughed with him a lot . He was a very crazy guy at times and a very unique personality. He helped me break out of my shell in high school. Damn, I could just go on about him. So many stories, so many experiences I would have never had if it wasn’t for him. He had no idea what kind of effect he had on my life.
- Green Knoll Golf course where we first met as caddies, along with Vince Bacon
- Lunches with you and Frank Nora, junior year in high school
- Playing D&D with Vince and Curtis for the first time.
- Playing Star Frontiers with my friends
- That time you tried to get me to make out with your girlfriend’s friend when I had no idea what I was doing.
- That time you took me to eat Japanese food and got me to eat sushi for the first time
- That time you sprayed mustard all over my face at a cookout at Duke Island park one summer
- That time you ran down my street with my dad’s WWII Japanese rifle screaming “Banzai!!”
- Hanging out at your house in Finderne Heights a lot, just listening to music and shooting the breeze
- Introducing me to Iron Maiden. Never really liked it that much but I got to listen to a lot of it.
- Riding around in that old van of yours
So much more….
In high school, he was the only person that made me feel normal, made me feel like he was a friend. He never bullied me, he never made fun. He just was a friend. He was a shining light in an otherwise dark and dreary time in my life. He taught me to be proud of who I was no matter how weird people thought I was. He embraced every aspect of his life and enjoyed it despite all the crap life through at him. Sure he had his low times but his high times were awesome. His passion for life was unparalleled. he saw who I was and accepted me for it, but also helped me accept myself.
I am in total shock. God’s speed, my friend. You will be sourly missed.
Assistance for the McCrystal Family
The Memorial Service has been set for Tuesday, July 28th at 11am. It will be held at 12Stone Church, 1322 Buford Dr, Lawrenceville, GA 30043. Flowers can be sent to Crowell Brother Funeral Home, 201 Morningside Dr, Buford, GA 30518.