RPG Starterpack

From: 2EastMusic Production
Reviewed by: Ron McClung
RPG Starterpackis a new Downloadable Music Package from 2EastMusic Production.
Depending on your style of gaming, music can either be a great asset or a distraction. I have been known to use it when I needed to set a mood. In Call of Cthulhu,I have used it frequently to set the mood, and it seems I could not start a Star Warssession without the theme music to get me in the mood. The hard part in my early days was finding good music. With the advent of downloadable music and MP3 players, now music, good or bad, is a dime-a-dozen.
2EastMusic has put together a package of music that is “…Complete with an expanding catalogue of inspiring looping mp3’s to reflect every setting, event and theme in your game from beginning to end. Each content pack comes with 5 focused tracks at a non-exclusive and royalty free license agreement – ” by the creator, Matthew Myers.
From the website: “ ‘RPG Starter Pack’ from 2EastMusic provides all the music you need to start developing your own fantasy Role Playing Game.”
The tracks are as follows –
- Hero’s Awakening (introduction) – a kind of thematic introductory song.
- Bustling Town (town) – a soft ballad that gives you the feel of a bustling and busy, but peaceful city.
- Exploring the Countryside(overworld) – a rhythmic acoustic guitar song with a haunting flute accompanying it, giving you the feeling of trudging through the wilderness.
- Shrouded in Mystery(dungeon) – A haunting song that definitely takes you deep in the depths of a dungeon.
- Epic Struggle(battle) – Strong (or as strong as a synthesizer can get) battle type theme.
All the music is basically from a computerized synthesizer. They are of fairly good length and, as said before, can be looped on any MP3 player. This music is obviously geared more towards the fantasy role player, but it is generic enough that it can be used for most any game.
In conclusion, my first impression after assessing the product – a little pricey for just 5 songs. I guess the price is for other publishers to distribute it with their games. It is an interesting marketing idea and I can envision an RPG wanting to include a CD of MP3s to enhance the game. I am no music critic so I can not comment on the quality of the music, but it worked for me. I could easily see this music working in a game session. The loop transitions were not perfect, but I am not sure that would be an issue for anyone else. It is a good start to what sounds like an interesting series of music packs.
For more details on 2EastMusic Production and their new Downloadable Music Package “RPG Starterpack” check them out at their website http://www.2eastmusic.com.
RPG Starterpack
From: 2EastMusic Production
Type of Game: Downloadable Music Package
Developed by:Matthew Myers
Game Components Included:
- Hero’s Awakening (introduction)
- Bustling Town (town)
- Exploring The Countryside (overworld)
- Shrouded In Mystery (dungeon)
- Epic Struggle (battle)
Also included: PDF Coupon
Retail Price:$ 19.95 (US)
Reviewed by: Ron McClung