To answer the constant complaints that toolkits were being outdated, Slim-Tech took on the challenge of redesigning the older kits to suit more advanced modern needs.
Technological Toolkit
Techkit 2
- Socket Wrench – adjustable from 5mm to 5cm
- Open End Wrenth – adjustable from 5mm to 5cm
- Electrodrive – rotates all shapes and size of screws and bolts
- Insulated Wire – 10 meters
- Uninsulated Wire – 25 meters, can support 2,000 Kg.
- Prybar – 1 meter plasteel rod, collapses to 10cm
- Gravity Polarizer – 15 cm disk with remote control, works against a planet’s gravity to lift objects up to 10,000 Kg.
- Hammer – Large ballpeen high-impact head
- Ion Bonding Tape – 10cm wide X 5m long, bonds directly to any metal
- Plastibond – tube of plastic filler, bonds directly to any plastic surface in one minute, five applications
- 500 nutes, bolts,clamps, screws and nails
- 10 hoses of assorted sizes
- Electrosnips – powered metal-cutting shears (sheet metal only)
- Magnegrips – electromagnetic vicegrips
- Spray Lubracant – 10 applications of pressurized synthoil
- Spray Waterproofing – Will insulate circuits, cloth, etc. from moisture; five applications
- Techkit replaces the conventional toolbox carrying case with a high-impact form fitted case that can be worn by special straps to a character’s leg or in a backpack as is conventional.
Robocom Kit 2
- Electrodrive – rotates all shapes and size of screws and bolts
- Ion Banding Tape – 10cm wide X 5m long, bonds directly to any metal
- Spray Lubricant – 10 applications of pressurized synth oil
- Spray Waterproofing – Will insulate circuits, cloth, etc. from moisture; five applications
- Insulated Wire – 10 meters
- Electrosnips – powered metal-cutting shears (sheet metal only)
- Lasoldering Iron – pen-sized laser soldering iron
- Solder – 1 meter roll of conductive soft metal Magnetic
- By-pass Clips – 10 small connectors used to short-circuit wiring
- Breadboard Circuits – 5 standard boards for mounting robot circuitry
- Demagnetizer – electrical tool to demagnetize fouled circuits
- Spray Cleaner – spray solvent to remove dirt from the robot’s works; 10 applications
- Miniature Flashlight – 20 hours of light; magnetic handle
- Calipers – capable of taking measurement as small as .001mm
- Needlenose Pliers – similar to 20th. Century Earth tool
- Sonic Scalpel – pen-sized tool for cutting plastic, metal or flesh; makes a smooth, bloodless incision up to 5mm deep
- Components – box of transistors, diodes and computer chips for electronic circuits
- Oscilloscope/VOM – miniaturized viewer which displays information on electrical flow, circuit resistance and other aspects of electronic circuits.
As with the Techkit 2, the Robcom Kit 2 replaces the standard case with a High-impact plasteel form fitting one. This case may be carried in a backpack or strapped to a character’s leg with special straps.
9Kg. 750Cr.
Extended Medkit:
This suitcase-sized Medkit is commonly used by characters participating in extended exploration or Field Medics where a field hospital is not available. Each kit contains:
- Local Anesthetic – 50 hypo doses to relieve pain
- Plastiflesh – 25 spray cans which doses up wounds and heal burns
- Omnimycin 50 hypo doses to control infections Acid Neutralizer – 50 one application tubes to neutralize acids
- Antiseptic – 25 spray cans to clean and disinfect a skin area
- Microforceps – 2 adjustable, used to remove shrapnel and bullet fragments from wounds
- Spray Hypo – 2 syringes used w give shots without needles
- Biocort – 100 hypo doses to stimulate very fast healing
- Telol – 10 hypo doses of truth serum
- Stimdose – 50 hypo doses to revive unconscious individuals
- Staydose – 10 hypo doses to sustain a dying individual for 20 hours
- Sonic Scalpel – 2 pen-sized tools for cutting plastic, metal or flesh; makes a smooth, bloodless incision up to 5mm deep
- L:aser Scalpel – 2 used to make deep incisions
- Antibody Plus – 50 hypo doses that increase the body’ s ability to recover from diseases
- Antitox – 50 hypo doses to neutralize poisons
- Medic-CAS – A Medic-CAS is used to scan a patient or victim. It indicates the patient’s physical condition, diagnoses ailments, suggest treatments for wounds or ailments, estimates time of survival under present conditions, etc. This CAS adds a +2 the Medical Diagnosis skill.
… More to come …