Savage 80s Crafts
Lots of 3D printing for this one – Airwolf, V Shyfighters, KITT, A-Team van and Hero Forge minis for the 80s characters. I also bought minis from Crooked Dice Game Studio (fantastic minis). One thing I liked about Crooked Dice …
Lots of 3D printing for this one – Airwolf, V Shyfighters, KITT, A-Team van and Hero Forge minis for the 80s characters. I also bought minis from Crooked Dice Game Studio (fantastic minis). One thing I liked about Crooked Dice …
From Fort Fincastle in Nassau, Bahamas to the dark side of the moon, the players venture into new plot in Reich Star. I did a scale model of Fincastle, a place I had been to. I like the claustrophobic feel …