The Dark Poem

The Dark Poem

tharkoldThe Poem written by a seven year old child telling of the coming of the seven Lords of Tharkold

  1. Bow down to those who Prey
  2. The Immaculate Seduction
  3. Where the Sacred meets the Profane
  4. Crucifixion of the Flesh
  5. Where the Hells meet the Heavens
  6. Destruction of the Soul
  7. The Meeting of Fear and Lust
  8. Pain and Pleasure
  9. New corrupting Old and Honored
  10. The Innocent Corruption
  11. Where the Earth Retreat to Hell
  12. ??
  13. ??
  14. The Dark Edification
  15. ??

The Meaning

Each line above had a meaning, giving a clue to the location of a Corman Device (a device that would break the fabric of reality, past the protodimensions and punch through to another parallel universe – The Tharkold reality), as well as, in some cases, a clue to what type of guardian watches over it – the Seven Brothers of Tharkold ending in Sethipher.

Line 1 simple tells the coming of “…Those who Prey…”. I stole this from a song by a band I can’t rmember now. I lilked the double meaning in the way it sounded. I was pushing Tharkoldian order as more a Church-like entity. In TORG terms, I was combining the Cyberpapecy and the Tharkold worlds.

Line 2 implied something Immaculate, meaning something that was once holy… a cathedral. The Seduction implies something corrupted it. I had a Ohio Cathedral turned into a night club and whore house. I know, I had a dark and twisted mind back then. Line 3 build further clues into the Cathedral/Night Club. The club is literally called the Church of the Immaculate Seduction. It is run by a goth-girl named Alysia Sophia Blackard and guarded by her gang of “corrupted and cybered” bikers, the Grey Devils.

In my notes, I have something called “Father Razorflesh” watching over this particular device. I am not entirely sure what Father Razor Flesh was, but I a msure he was very “Hellraiser”-esque.

Line 4 and 5 – The next passages would lead the players to Chicago, ito the Sears Tower (now Gehin Corp HQ), “where Hell meets Heavens”. The Crucifier was the next bad-guy. In reality, the Gehin Corp with ehlp from the Crucifier and his Tharkold tech, have made a beanstalk that leads to an orbital station.

Dark Chicago is pretty dark. Run by corrupt corporations and organized crime, it resembles its 1930s Prohibition past. The Chicago Bear home field, Solider Field is now used for Gladitorial games. Other than Gehin Corp., there is PHYL Corp (Prudential-Hancock-Yorl-Life Financial Corp), and Nec-Tec Industries.

Line 6 and 7: These were somehow going lead to Las Vegas and another crime family (connected to a Chicago crime family).

Line 8 and 9: These lines were somehow going to lead to Washington DC, an S&M undergorund and the Washington Monument. The Brother of Tharkold here would have been “The Master.”

Line 10 and 11: A corrupted child and the Grand Canyon

Line 12 and 13: Because I never got to finish this campaign (because of problematic players), I never got to finish the poem. These lines were to lead the players to Mount Rainier in Washington DC to some secret moutain operation.

Line 14 and 15: The final line would lead them to Sethifer through an “edificator” or teacher. It was a point where all lines intersected on a map they would probably find. This leads them to the Badlands National Park in South Dakota.

