Visitor (Siriusian) Invasion Fleet

Visitor (Siriusian) Invasion Fleet

DISCLAIMER Never have I ever wanted to portray anything associated to fascism as the good guy. Like in the miniseries, the Visitors (Siriusian in this setting) are and will always be the bad guy.

Visitor Galactic Fleet (Galactic Fleet of Sirius)

Pictures are associated with the stats below them. Some pics enlarge when you click on them.

V: The miniseries & V: The Final Battle really inspired me, and I decided to bring them into the SF early in my gaming career. I didn’t like Knight Hawks all that much, but I decided to try and give it a go at an invasion scenario into the Frontier. I remember thinking that the Visitors obviously demonstrated a higher level of technology than any tech in Knight Hawks, so I took a liberal approach to their ship designs. With anti-grav alone, it would change their approach to ship building (and they obviously had anti-grav). So this is the end result. A few ship designs (some with illustrations I drew back then. ) that may or may not seem reasonable to you, but they did to me at the time. I never did fully complete that invasion scenario and in later editions of my SF universe, I just made it the Third Sathar War.

Ro’ocque Class Battleship
HS 27 HP 200 ADF/MR 4 DCR 220
Weapons: DC, LB(x2), PB(x2), EB(x2), S(x10), T(x15), RB (x15)
Defenses: RH, ES, PS, ICM (x15)

Light Carrier
HS 22 HP 115 ADF/MR DCR 200
Weapons LB, EB, PB, RB(x 8), T (x 8), S (x 10)Fighters Squadrons (x4)
Defenses: RH, PS, ES, ICM (x5)

Deep Space Patrol Carrier
HS 23 HP 115 ADF/MR 2 DCR 95
Weapons LC, LB, EB, PB, RB(x10), Fighters Squadrons (x3)
Defenses: RH, PS, ES, ICM (x10)

Scron’Wor Class Battleship

HS 20 HP 120 ADF/MR 2 DCR 200
Weapons DC, LB(x2), PB, EB(x2), S(x10), T(x10), RB (x10)
Defenses: RH, ES, PS, ICM (x12)

Far’Oque Class Battleship
HS 20 HP 100 ADF/MR 2 DCR 200
Weapons DC, LB(x3), PB, EB(x2), S(x8), T(x8), RB (x10)
Defenses: RH, ES, PS, ICM (x12)

Rolo’que Class Heavy Cruiser
HS 18 HP 95 ADF/MR 3/2 DCR 120
Weapons: LB(x3), PB, EB,DC, S(x15), T(x10), RB (x10)
Defenses: RH, ES, PS, ICM (x10)

Dragon Class Heavy Cruiser
HS 18 HP 85 ADF/MR 4 DCR 120
Weapons: LB(x2), PB, EB (x2), S(x5), T(x 8), RB (x 8)
Defenses: RH, ES, PS, ICM (x12)

Grav’Loque Class Heavy Cruiser
HS 15 HP 75 ADF/MR 2 DCR 120
Weapons: LB(x2), PB, EB,DC, S(x5), T(x8), RB (x8)
Defenses: RH, ES, PS, ICM (x8)

Light Cruiser
HS 14 HP 70 ADF/MR 2 DCR 100
Weapons DC, LB, PB, EB, T(x 4), RB(x 6)
Defenses: RH, ES, ICM (x8)

Jar’Un Class Assault Carrier
HS 17 HP 85 ADF/MR 2 DCR 150
Weapons: LB, PB, RB (x8), Corvettes (x 4), Fighters Squadrons (x2)
Defenses: RH, ES, ICM (x10)

Lom’Ru Class Assault Carrier
HS 16 HP 80 ADF/MR 3 DCR 150
Weapons LB, PB, RB (x10), Corvettes (x3), Fighters Squadrons (x2)
Defenses: RH, ES, ICM (x15)

Bam’phid Class Missile Destroyer
HS 17 HP 90 ADF/MR 2/3 DCR 120
Weapons: S (x10), T (x10), M (x10), RB(x20), LB
Defenses: RH, ICM (x10), ES, PS

Grask Class Missile Destroyer
HS 16 HP 100 ADF/MR 3/2 DCR 75
Weapons: AR (x10), S(x15), RB(x10), LB
Defenses: RH, ICM (x5), ES

Clara’oque Class Gunboats
HS: 16 HP 80 ADF/MR 2/3 DCR 75
Weapons: LC, LB, EB(x2), T(x4), Fighter squadron (x 1)
Defenses: RH, ICM (x5), ES, PS

Veen’ar Class Gunboats
HS 15 HP 85 ADF/MR 3 DCR 90
Weapons: LB, DC, EB, PB, RB (x 4), T(x 2), Fighter squadron (x 1)
Defenses: RH, ICM (x5), ES, PS
HS 10 HP 50 ADF/MR 3 DCR 75
Weapons LC, LB, EB, RB(x8), T(x5)
Defenses: RH, ES, ICM (x5)

Assault Transport
HS 10 HP 50 ADF/MR 3 DCR 50
Weapons: LB, RB(x8), S(x 6) 800 Troops (8 shuttles)
Defenses: RH, ES, ICM (x5)

Car’Ang Class Blockade Runner
HS 9 HP 60 ADF/MR 2/2 DCR 75
Weapons: LC, EB, M(x15), RB(x4)
Defenses: RH,ES, ICM (x6)

Klara’osh Class Blockade Runner
HS 9 HP 50 ADF/MR 3 DCR 60
Weapons: LB(x2), M(x10), RB(x5), S (x 4)
Defenses: RH, PS, ES, ICM (x6)

Stinger I Class Privateer
HS 9 HP 45 ADF/MR 2 DCR 45
Weapons: LC, EB, S(x4)
Defenses: RH, ICM (x6)

Stinger II Class Privateer
HS 9 HP 45 ADF/MR 3 / 4 DCR 55
Weapons: LC, EB, S(x5)
Defenses: RH, ICM (x10)

Trap’Nara Class Frigate
HS 8 HP 40 ADF/MR 3 DCR 70
Weapons: LC, LB, RB (x10), T(x3)
Defenses: RH, ES, ICM (x9)

Patrol Boat
HS 7 HP 40 ADF/MR 2/2 DCR 30
Weapons: LB(x 2), EB, T (x 4), RB (x4)
Defenses: RH, ES, ICM (x5)

Roqu’Wor Class Frigate
HS 5 HP 30 ADF/MR 4 DCR 50
Weapons: LC, LB, EB, RB (x5)
Defenses: RH, ES, ICM (x9)

Astro-Blaster III Class Attack Yacht
HS 6 HP 45 ADF/MR 3 DCR 50
Weapons: LC, LtC (Light Cannon), LB, EB
Defenses: RH, ICM (x4)

Claw Class Corvette
HS 5 HP 25 ADF/MR 3 DCR 45
Weapons: LC, LB
Defenses: RH

Squaloque Class Corvette
HS 4 HP 20 ADF/MR 4 DCR 45
Weapons: LC, LB
Defenses: RH

Luque Class Corvette
HS 4 HP 35 ADF/MR 3 DCR 45
Weapons: LC, LB
Defenses: RH

Thruster Class Privateer
HS 2 HP 10 ADF/MR 4 DCR 26
Weapons: LtC (Light Cannon), AR (x4)
Defenses: RH

Vorp Class Fighters
HS 2 HP 10 ADF/MR 5 DCR 30
Weapons: LtC (Light Cannon x 2), AR(x6)
Defenses: RH

Vector Class Fighters
HS 1 HP 8 ADF/MR 5 DCR 35
Weapons: LtC (Light Cannon x 2), AR(x4)
Defenses: RH

Notes: Light Cannons (LtC) – FF/RD/RA 20/ DTM 5/ HDR 1d10 per cannon

Visitor Fighter

Standard Mother ship

Star Disruptor Class ship

Remastered with Photoshop from Original sketch

Illyrion Displacer Emmitters (IDEs)

  • Used primarily as a defense
  • Available only to Visitor ships
  • An synthetically made isotope created by methods only known to Visitors
  • As a reault with a specific reaction, the Illyrion releases dimensional warping fields that can teleport a small fleet a short distance in a split second.
  • These emitters can ony be fitted on the IDE class motherships.
  • The IDE expands over 1 hex for every unit of Illyrion used.  Any ships within that envelop that is fitted with a special receiver is transported with the IDE Mothership.
  • The Illyrion field shuts down sensors of all ships for the next turn.
  • The mothership navigates the direction within 1 hex per unit of Illyrion used.