Microwave Lasers d6

Skill: Blaster
Microwave weapons are essentially a different kind of laser, one with a lower frequency. The energy drain is offset by the extra damage you’ll do to your opponent. Where a laser will just burn tissue, a microwave laser will excite the molecules and cook your enemy. It also can be used an m-laser to wipe out data on computer slugs and ionize unshielded electronic gear. However, with the exceptions of the mentioned uses, it’s ineffective against buildings, furniture, walls,etc. In addition, metal makes a great shield against the waves. [Subtract -1D from the damage if the weapon is fired at a non-organic target other than unshielded electronic equipment. Add +1D to the armor value of metal armor when attacked with microwaves.]
A microwave burst misses its target and bounces off a metal surface, there is a chance it will hit the firer. These drawbacks have limited the popularity of microwave weapons outside of the Core Worlds, where few slags are walking around in full armor. Corp cops are particularly fond of the ability of the weapons to blow a vehicle’s electrical systems. Microwave weapons are recoilless and can use either energy cells or power .packs.
Microwwave Lasers | ||||||||
Weapon Type | Type | Fire Rate | Damage | Range – S/M/L | Ammo | Price | Ammo Price | |
Brodie M-20 | Hold Out | 1 | 3D+1 | 3-10/40/80 | 25* | 206 | 5 | |
Brodie M-25 | Pistol | 1s | 3D+2 | 3-25/75/150 | 50* | 417 | 15 | |
Brodie M-30 | Urban Env. | 1s | 4D+2 | 3-50/ 80/175 | 100* | 1050 | 30 | |
Brodie MW-3 | Assault Rifle | – | 6D+1 | 5-40/150/300 | 150* | 1100 | 25 | |
Brodie MW-2 | Civilian/Sniper | 1s | 5D+2 | 5-50/500/1500 | 100* | 880 | 40 |
* – Runs off of disposable cells
Brodie M-20 Personal MicroDefender
Type | Scale | Skill |
Microwave Holdout | Character | Blasters |
The M-20 Personal MicroDefender is a very compact weapon system that’s damn effective for a holdout. It looks like nothing more than a round piece of plastic with a small barrel pointing out. It can fit in the palm of the average Human hand and only the barrel will protrude from your fingers. This is a hot market item among thieves – not because it’s particularly lethal, but because it’s a great way to get past electronic security systems. The M-20 is a single shot weapon.
Brodie M-25 Microwave Pistol
Type | Scale | Skill |
Microwave Pistol | Character | Blasters |
A compact (15cm) and powerful weapon, the M-25 is the standard sidearm of many megacorp security forces. It has gained a reputation as a reliable weapon and is pretty much the standard against which micro weapons are measured. Naturally, the security guys carry slugthrowers and other weapons in the event their quarry takes refuge in a computer center.
Brodie M-30 Heavy Repeating Microwave Carbine
Type | Scale | Skill |
Microwave Carbine | Character | Blasters |
At 25cm, the M-30 is one of the bulkier pistols currently making use of microwave laser technology. It was originally designed for megacorporate crisis response teams. Like the M-20, its reliability and effectiveness make it a popular choice.
Brodie MW-3 Repeating Microwave Rifle
Type | Scale | Skill |
Microwave Assault Rifle | Character | Blasters |
This item has an interesting history. It was originally designed by Brodie for use by Corporate Sector Police, and so has the proper connections for use with the Brodie Mark IV. Unfortunately, the Espos opted for non-microwave weapons and Brodie was stuck with a number of already-produced MW-3s. This weapon is capable of semi-automatic, and auto fire and can be connected to a backpack-mounted power cell for three times the normal number of shots available through a power pack.
Brodie MW-2 Microwave Rifle
Type | Scale | Skill |
Microwave Civilian/Sniper | Character | Blasters |
The MW-2 Microwave Rifle was intended for use by law enforcement and security forces, but as a black market item, it has found its way into the hands of pirates and sumugglers. Numerous incidents of sabotage have been traced to use of the MW-2, and Brodie’s said to have a whole unit of corp marines whose job is to track down stolen rifles and slag the thieves.