ST:D – End of a universe
**SPOLIERS** I have been back and forth with Star Trek: Discovery for a while now. When Pike was in, it was good but otherwise, It has been a struggle for me. Between the SJW crap they want to push and …
**SPOLIERS** I have been back and forth with Star Trek: Discovery for a while now. When Pike was in, it was good but otherwise, It has been a struggle for me. Between the SJW crap they want to push and …
Rewatching TNG I did not realize they revisited the Crystalline entity one more time. From S1 E13 Datalore to S5 E4 Silicon Avatar, this thing appeared to devour planets of all life (rather quickly, I might add). This thing had …
We are 4 seasons in and at least twice now, there has been an episode where Picard or Tiker gets taken somehow by an alien being with amazing technology – of which we never see anything about again. While I …
I am re-watching ST:TNG with my kids and through out, I am watching for things I missed, plot elements that could have been used later (one of the biggest complaints I heard while watching it) and inspiration for RPG games. …
While I attempted the Star Trek Adventures game as best I could, I really never get into it. It needed more. But that doesn’t keep me from trying to find story ideas for a good Star Trek RPG adventure. I …
Rewatching Star Trek, The Original Series on Netflix. Just watched the episode Wolf in the Fold, one of my favorite episodes. I still see that as a missed opportunity for a really good two parter. I know budget limitations prevented …
This is primarily aimed to discuss the complaints about Discovery and how dark and gritty it is. There are some that believe that it’s not ST because it is too dark and gritty. While I have my own issues with …
I am as torn as I was when I started. Which I suppose is a credit to the writers and creators of the show. They changed enough to tweek the hardcore Trekkie side of me, while at the same time, …
I watched The Motion Picture again yesterday. It was the first time in a very long time. I was trying to get a better understanding of the disappointment in that movie. I was disappointed but not as viscerally as some …
This guy has a lot to say about Star Trek, and I largely agree. He hits on an important point about old and new Star Trek that can be applied broadly. Star Trek, however, illustrates it more poignantly because it has a considerable amount of history, …