Ghost in the Shadows Threat Dossier

GitS NPCs/Factions
- Agent Na’MarNarn Agent
- Agent Ta’NolNarn Agent
- Allison FernandezHuman Diplomat
- David McCulloughHuman Soldier/Agent, works for Mr. Anderson
- DorakDrazi Second in command of Station Security, Quolok Station
- Hayden “Lefty” MartinsonHuman leader of Martinson`s Marauders
- Ko’loth aka Ga’Makold Narn
- Max DurnadoCentauri House Durnado Noble
- RathainMinbari War Criminal
- Roland AndersonJob Broker, Information Agent
- Samantha StevensonHuman Rogue Telepath
- ThakDrazi and Martinson`s partner, Raider, Good fighter/Martial Artist, Former Mutai fighter
- The WraithAliens from between the dimensions
- Thought Master Vin’poAlien representative
- Timil Bregarri2nd in Command of the Quolok Station
- Travis RenoHuman Trader
- Zesar BregarriCommander of the Quolok Station