SW SoD Characters

“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… in a time of conflict, a time of intrigue…”
- Baron Ignatious PyreHuman, House Cadriaan. Played by Matt H.
- Baron Jerik Cayl BrendaronHouse Cadriaan Near-Human, played by Neil S.
- Baronette Raphaiel “Raphie” KragarHouse Pelagia Human, Played by Chris Jarrett
- Fizo RiddomSmuggler, Played by Ed S.
- Janice MarksHuman troubleshooter and agent for House Reena. Played by Bill B.
- Lord Rexilor “Rex” Caradonus AdriosHerglic from a deposed Minor House
- RM-85-B Librarian/Info-DroidHouse Reena Droid and the Archive, Played by Chris F.
- Sir Tarsus JarnackHuman Knight to House Callipsa, played by John Reavis