Focus Carolinas Interview
A woman from Clear Channel (5 area radio stations including the RFX the Fox) emailed us at CC and wanted an interview. I was the one available to so I did it. Her name is Virginia “Ginny” Golden and her …
A woman from Clear Channel (5 area radio stations including the RFX the Fox) emailed us at CC and wanted an interview. I was the one available to so I did it. Her name is Virginia “Ginny” Golden and her …
I think its kind of cool 🙂 Bodie was a nice guy and I wish him best as his career. I like his character at BSG even though it is primarily a background character. It is always good to see …
First of all, the most surprising thing is that I am willing to write a report the day after the con. Usually that doesn’t happen because I have to get over the emotional and physical drain I suffer from at …
Some one recently accused me of having a bad attitude towards ConCarolinas and that it is better off without me in a leadership position (in so many words). Although I do not put a lot of credence into the person …