Category: SavSZ Conversion
01.13 Alien Abilities
Alien Abilities Special Ability Savage Conversions Ambidextrous Edge: Ambidextrous Animal Control Super Power: Animal Control Animal Friendship Edge: Animal Bond Armor-Defeating Attack Super Power: Attack (Melee or Ranged) Armor Piercing Attack Form Resistance (Environmental) Environmental Resistance Attack Form Resistance (Interaction) …
01.12 Edges & Hindrances
Converting Shatterzone Advantage & Compensation to Edges and Hindrances. Hindrances SZ Compensation Savage Worlds Equivalent Age Elder [Elderly] Youth [Young] Alien Alien Prejudice [Outsider] Xeno-Flaws [Negative Racial Abilities] or Ability Flaw* General Compensations …
01.11 Archetypes
Bolter Refugee Bolters is the collective name of alien species who claim to have fled through the shatterzone into Consortium space, in a desperate effort to escape a threat that has devastated their worlds. Though many bolters have drifted into …
01.10 Characters Options
In Savage Shatterzone, there are four major regions within known space – Core World, Near Colonies, Inner Frontier, and the Shatterzone/Outer Frontier. All contained within the Orion Spiral Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, there are millions of stars, systems …
01.00 Setting Rules
Shatterzone is dark and gritty. It also has a realistic and big view of sci-fi while at the same time keeping within the space opera feel. Shows like Dark Matter, Kill Joys and The Expanse all kid of fit in …
01.20 Alien Species
Shatterzone had a TON of races. Here are the few I converted to Savage Worlds. Core Species Associate Species Bolters
02.00 Tech
Savage SZ Arsenal Shatterzone Tech Conversions to Savage Worlds The equipment to follow took a lot to convert, but I think I got it pretty close. I’m going to leave it up to the GMs to limit how much of …
00.00 Conversion Notes
In many ways, Shatterzone is a unique setting but on the surface it’s hard to see. Some see it as just another Traveller or Star Frontiers rehash. Others see it as a Star Wars knock-off, I am sure. However, there …