Beacon Shadow
A station built out of an old Clone War era droid factory, this station is positioned near the Novolek Beacon.
A station built out of an old Clone War era droid factory, this station is positioned near the Novolek Beacon.
Nwarcol Point, also known as the Sisar Terminal, was a major refueling starport located in the Nwarcol system where the Sisar Run and Salin Corridor merged.
The Reibrin system, in the Ansuroer sector, contained Lijuter, the Houk homeworld.
Terman Station was a space station in the Terman system of the Periphery, between Sriluur and Hutt Space along the Sisar Run.
Giant cities in the skies, the Strongholds are sources of myth and legend. Origins long forgotten, they float over various locations for a period of time only to vanish and reappear somewhere else. For some, they are common place things, …
This is a list of major Space Stations and Colonies on the Solar System. The following is an explanation of each entry Name – The designation used by the residents or administrative control of the installation (Colonies or Stations). Location – The orbital …
SavRS Setting 02.08: Major Space Stations & Colonies Read more »