Savage 80s Crafts
Lots of 3D printing for this one – Airwolf, V Shyfighters, KITT, A-Team van and Hero Forge minis for the 80s characters. I also bought minis from Crooked Dice Game Studio (fantastic minis). One thing I liked about Crooked Dice …
Lots of 3D printing for this one – Airwolf, V Shyfighters, KITT, A-Team van and Hero Forge minis for the 80s characters. I also bought minis from Crooked Dice Game Studio (fantastic minis). One thing I liked about Crooked Dice …
From Fort Fincastle in Nassau, Bahamas to the dark side of the moon, the players venture into new plot in Reich Star. I did a scale model of Fincastle, a place I had been to. I like the claustrophobic feel …
At MACE 2021, we hosted a 4 hour crafting contests with 13 people including James “The Tabletop Engineer” Kelly and Bill “Wylock” Buchanan. Of course, Wyloch won the overall but I did win best story. The idea is that we …
My wife nearly threw out an old Play-dough castle of my daughters in 2019 and I thought I could do something with it. It took me a while to get around to it but I finally finished it this years. …
I threw out this container for chocolate covered cherries and it landed upside down. Then I saw it… “I could make something out of that.” Add a few bottle tops, the classic apple sauce tops and 40k Bits.
After stat’ing out the Last Guard, I wasn’t sure what to do for the finale. I felt The Last Guard was good enough for a finale. After discussing it with a colleague at work, he suggested I make one that …
Using Air-dry clay and hot-glue overtop, I created a fleshy creature inspired by the Mindflayer from Strange Things 3. This was going to be one of the baddies for my Savage Reich Star Fortress of the Angel adventure. The concept …
Took the Star War: The Force Awakens Rathtar toy – a disaster of a toy but great for crafting – added a Halloween eyeball, and made a water creature for the Volturnus campaign. Used the Orthocone stats from Savage Worlds Science Fiction …
From a Dollar Store Tiger and Snakes, I made the classic Star Frontiers Quickdeath – Savage Worlds Sized!