New Database Apps
For years, have had these Access databases that contained compiled data for both Shatterzone and Star Wars d6. I built these during a time when I was just getting into Visual Basic programming and database stuff, and had a lot …
For years, have had these Access databases that contained compiled data for both Shatterzone and Star Wars d6. I built these during a time when I was just getting into Visual Basic programming and database stuff, and had a lot …
After running classic Shatterzone, I realized I loved the setting more than the core rules system. But I also loved the cards. So I am designing a system for the cards in Savage Worlds and then poring everything else over …
Fri 8 pm – 12 am: Shatterzone Xenos Alpha I play tested this at RonCon. I am not sure how well this is going to go. I never ran SZ at a Con because of its complexities. I am going to …
Ever since I bought the reprint hardbacks, I have been considering running this again. I really enjoyed the setting and as I read into it, the more I feel the passion to run it again. The system is pretty solid. …
I have been going through my old hand written notes and trying to transcribe them to this web site. Included in these are – Adventures for the main campaign I ran way back when, just after I graduated college. I …
BASICS The Sley’eth of the Marshid Rel System The PCs arrive on the Sley’eth new home world, as assigned by their Imperial Overmasters. The Sley’eth Royals have a minor job for the PCs to investigate. THey have been receiving anomalous …
BASICS The PCs quickly learn that the Sley’eth they rescued off Hunt World IV (Adventure 4) was not the real King, but another regent. The real King stole a Ka’abrel freighter with a crew of other escaped slaves and flew into …
BASICS The HLA have made significant advanced against the Shatrats of Point Bren and Fleet. This has drawn great concern from Fleet. The Fleet agent they were sent to find resurfaces and contacts them instead. He needs their help getting …
BASICS System: Beridus in the Inner Frontier (Based on the Torg setting of Living Land) Thick jungle heavily populated by a variety of wild beasts. More swamp areas than actual oceans. In the jungled areas, there is heavy tectonic …
BASICS Where: Xenos Sector, Vux System. Planet: Fool’s Gate. The City of Dreshnash The PCs, as HLA members, are sent to Dreshnash to find a missing HLA team of which the Fleet agent is one of them. The City of …