Ghost in the Shadows Characters

Ghost in the Shadows Characters
GitS Characters
  • Charles Flanagan
    Human Scientist associated with The Rovers, formerly IPX ( played by Rob O’hara)
  • Corrin
    Minbari Soldier, aspiring Ranger Rangers. (played by Chris Fisher)
  • G’Kahn
    Narn Agent, Aspiring Thenta Makur (Played by Bill Barrier)
  • Joe Means
    Human, Former Earthforce Marine with EarthForce Military Intelligence, Played by John Reavis
  • Kiron Jaddo
    Centauri Trader from House Jaddo
  • Sha’lan
    Minbari Soldier (played by Bill Boivin).
  • Za’Roth
    Narn Soldier, strongly loyal to the Narn Regime,  and formerly of the Wise Aces mercenary group (played by Jim Harris) Aspiring Narn Intelligence agent, and diplomat, Za’Roth is a loyal Narn and not a big fan of Centauri. Background Za’Roth’s family lives comfortably, given that they are living on the Narn homeworld even as Narn culture continues to ...