SWDS Threat Dossier
- Aing Tii MonksAlien race long thought to have contributed to the ghost ship legend of the Kathol Outback, they are extremely xenophobic and extremely anti-slavery
- Bombaasa CartelCrime Cartel in the Kathol Sector
- Chuborro the Hutt Crime SyndicateCrime Syndicate moving into the Kathol Sector
- Church of the Kathol ProphetsSpiritual Organization. Based on Gandle Ott
- Clans of SapellaRegional/Planetary Factions.
- Clans of Timbra OttRegional/Planetary Factions.
- Cuthbert & The Torpedo SphereArtificial Intelligence
- Free Traders AllianceGuild Faction
- GreeAlien Race in the Kathol Sector
- Imperials of KatholImperials of the Kathol Sector (with bounties)
- JarellHomeworld Oon-Tien; Spread throughout the Kathol Core Region
- Kalvessan StarwolvesAlien Race
- Kathol RepublicPlanetary Coalition.
- Kathol UndergroundKathol Underground
- Lance of Endor, Corellian CorvetteA renegade ship terrorizing the Outback, in the New Republic’s name.
- MandaloriansAncient Alien Race
- Noble Houses of KatholNoble House Factions
- Noble Trade GuildsTrade Guild Coalition
- Pimbrellan LeagueFanatical Theocracratic Syndicate.
- Planetary Government of DanoorPlanetary Government.
- Qektoth ConfederationFanatical Governmental Faction
- The Church of the Light Prophets of KatholSpiritual Organization
- The Rift ferryboatAlien Living Ship
- UukaabliansAlien Race
- Veild-Danol and the Danol Trade SyndicateTrade Syndicate